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The 2025 Canadian Angler Hall of Fame Conservation Award
was presented to
The Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation
for the
In-Water Fish Habitat Enhancement in Great Lakes Subwatersheds, Ontario, Canada Project

Under the initiative, with Watershed Canada, Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation volunteers are creating and deploying 140 in-water woody debris structures into seven different lakes.
Proposed Start Date* May 1, 2024
Proposed End Date* April 30, 2025 – or longer
Objectives* What will the Project accomplish
The local smallmouth and largemouth bass populations of seven lakes in the subwatersheds of the Ontario Great Lakes, will show improvement through the addition of woody debris back into the ecosystem. With the partnership of local lake associations, fish & game clubs and community organizations, we will be creating over 140 brush bundles and enhancing critical habitat for multiple bass species, providing them with a food sources, areas to rest, spawn, and escape predators – all elements that contribute to the recovery of local fish populations, future angling and the resilience of our lakes and rivers.
Underwater woody debris is a healthy component of lake environments. Sunken logs, trees, branches, and root balls provide excellent habitat for wildlife, especially bass. Beaver activity, wind, erosion, or water inflows from rivers or creeks naturally deposit such woody debris into a lake. However, human development has altered the habitat on these seven lakes, as people “clean up” and remove fallen trees and other wooden debris from shorelines.
Our project will not only improve the fish populations on seven individual lakes, it will bring the communities together for on-the-ground action while also educating them on actions they can take to improve their lakes and aquatic habitat. Specifically, it will focus on building capacity and knowledge with the next generation of anglers and property owners with this project. Organizations will be encouraged to include local youth in the projects, who will learn and participate in aquatic restoration techniques and be able to see firsthand how their actions affect the environment and the future of angling.
Our goal is to broaden our reach, measure our success, grow our impact, and strengthen our program across a greater number of Ontario’s communities next year. Long-term, we see the value in creating a replicable program model that is supported by the knowledge and expertise of our team that can be introduced in communities across Ontario and Canada.
Methods* How will the work be done
Our Fish Habitat program is currently positioned for growth, having generated nine years of evidence demonstrating sustainable, measurable impact and the successful recovery of fish populations on lakes and rivers we’ve worked on. Over the next year, Watersheds Canada would like to expand its reach in Eastern and Central Ontario to support delivery of seven fish habitat restoration projects which will benefit smallmouth and largemouth bass populations that live in accessible lakes that have been affected by recent habitat degradation. To complete our projects we will be using the Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkit that was developed by Watersheds Canada and Lanark County Stewardship Council, in particular the In-water Structures – Brush Protocols.
Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkit
1. Lake communities and organizations will be encouraged to engage local members and youth to participate in seven in-water woody debris fish habitat projects, on lakes located within the subwatersheds of the Great Lakes in Ontario. Focusing on education and restoration techniques of fish habitat conservation.
2. We will create and deploy 140 in-water woody debris structures into 7 different lakes in the subwatersheds of the Great Lakes, Ontario, Canada. Human activity and development have significantly reduced the amount of natural woody debris in these lakes so we will work with these communities to enhance and restore vital fish habitat while educating property owners on fishery stewardship practices. Each project will include a site visit; governing agencies being consulted. We will work with volunteers to collect local brush and build 20 bundles per lake. Bundles will be tied with UV resistant rope and have concrete block anchors. Bundles will be deployed using boats and a depth finder into non-disturbed areas or those that are 12+ feet deep. With GPS we will record the location of each bundle.
3. We will host one Fish Habitat Restoration Demonstration event on Baptiste Lake, in Bancroft, Ontario, where the public will be invited to participate in a brush bundle project.
Evaluation* How will you measure the success
We will be using underwater cameras to record the activity of the local fishery in specific locations before the project starts and then after the addition of the brush bundles (woody debris). Each bundle will be photographed and/or filmed and the GPS coordinates will be documented for future observation and monitoring.
We will return to the sites in the following years and record the activity around the bundles. Based on the long-standing success of our past projects, the results are expected to show increased activity and diversity of native fish species using the habitat.
Each of the 7 lake associations will organise volunteers and the collection of on-land woody debris and brush from local properties that will be used to build and create the 20 brush bundles. Each brush bundle will be approximately 2m x 1m x 1m in dimension and will be held together by marine rope that will not rot or break down due to UV exposure. Multiple anchors will be made out of cinder blocks and wire and attached to each brush bundle to ensure that they stay in the designated area. In total, we will deploy 20 woody debris brush bundles into each lake, restoring thousands of hectares of aquatic fish habitat.
Youth Angler Involvement – Describe the youth component of this project
Brush Bundle projects typically take place during the late summer months into early September and are scheduled to accommodate multi-generational anglers and volunteers. We have witnessed first hand the benefits of including youth in our projects, learning how their actions can affect the fisheries on their favourite water bodies.
Youth will be encouraged to volunteer and participate in these fish conservation projects by learning how to safely build and deploy brush bundles on seven different water bodies. Youth will have the opportunity to work alongside our experts, learning first-hand, the importance of in-water woody debris fish habitat, how it benefits the local fish and wildlife, as well the angling community.
Engaging youth in conservation activities like Brush Bundle projects not only educates them about the importance of preserving natural habitats but will also instil a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the environment. Plus, involving multiple generations helps bridge the gap between experienced anglers and newcomers, fostering a sense of community and passing down valuable knowledge and skills.
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Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation will be well represented at the Spring Fishing and Boat Show.
Clubs from all over Ontario will be manning the booth providing information and sharing stories about the Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation and their own respective clubs.
Come and join us this Family Day Weekend!
February 14, 2025 to February 16, 2025 at The International Centre, Mississauga, Ontario.
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Join Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation today!
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On August 23rd, 2024 members from the various clubs of Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation assembled in the City of Temiskaming Shores to kick off the 2024 Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation Hank Gibson Provincial Qualifier held on Lake Temiskaming on August 24th, 2024 and August 25, 2024 to get a birth for the 2025 Team Ontario to participate in the 2025 B.A.S.S. Nation National Bass Tournament and a chance to go to the famed Bassmaster Classic
2024 Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation Hank Gibson Provincial Qualifier – Official Results